
Upshift is a web-based car rental company that offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface for customers to rent cars. The website has a clean, modern design that prioritizes simplicity and ease of use.

UI UX Design, Iconography, Prototyping, Wireframing, Logo

About the project

Streamlining the car rental process: The UI/UX design of Upshift prioritizes simplicity, ease of use and efficiency to deliver a seamless rental experience for its customers.

The homepage prominently displays a search bar where users can easily find their desired vehicle by location, price, car type, and other filters. The search results page displays the available cars with clear images, pricing, and other relevant details, such as the car's make, model, and fuel efficiency. Users can also view the location of the nearest pickup and drop-off points on the map.

Once logged in, users have access to their personal dashboard, where they can view their booking history, manage their reservations, and even rate their rental experience. Users can also easily access the customer support and FAQs section of the website.

The navigation menu is located at the top of the page, providing easy access to different sections of the website, such as the rental policies, special offers, and discounts. The website also has a responsive design, optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that users have a seamless experience across different devices.